The chief minister of India's Punjab state, which boasts one of the highest per-capita rates of violent crime in the country, has announced plans to create a "film city" in his state, the BBC reports.
According to the Times of India, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann made the announcement over the weekend during a visit to Mumbai, where he says he has "many memories" from his days as a kid in the city.
He says he plans to merge Bollywood films shot in Punjab with those shot in the nearby Pollywood film industry, which he says is "a huge industry," the Times of India reports.
"This will provide work to local artists and the government will also benefit," the chief minister says, per the Times of India.
Mann, who became chief minister in May, says he wants to make Punjab "a film-friendly state," the Indian Express reports.
He says he wants to create 100,000 jobs in the film industry in the next five years. Read the Entire Article
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